Author: Rais Busom.
Globalism is in crisis. As monetary totalitarianism concentrates more and more power in fewer hands, prosperity declines and freedom fades away.
Posglobalismo, cómo reconstruir la civilización desde el borde del abismo global (Post-globalism, how to rebuild civilization from the edge of the global abyss) analyzes the root causes of the current crisis “from energy scarcity to financial manipulation” and proposes revolutionary alternatives for the future: monetary self-determination through cryptocurrencies, a new energy-based bioeconomy and decentralized digital democracy.
The post-globalist revolution: energy, money and democracy. Through a rigorous analysis that combines philosophy, economics and physics, Rais Busom unveils the hidden mechanisms of globalist power and its agenda. The work examines how the energy crisis, monetary control and social manipulation are reconfiguring our world, while proposing innovative solutions based on blockchain technology and a new conception of thermodynamic economy. A fundamental text to understand the challenges of our time and glimpse a post-globalist horizon where humanity can thrive. Rais Busom is an expert in critical thinking applied to the transformation of people and organizations.
Pages: 320
Publisher: Sekotia S.L.
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788419979605
RPP: 19,95 euros