Author: Małgorzata Nocuń.
Within the program of the festival ELLAS CREAN and organized by the Instituto Polaco de Cultura as part of the cultural programming of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Biblioteca Nacional de España (Paseo de Recoletos, 20-22) presents tomorrow Tuesday at 6.30 pm the book El amor ha sido mi única culpa (Love has been my only fault), by Małgorzata Nocuń. Free entry until capacity is full.
The author of the book will be joined by journalist Margaryta Yakovenko, who specializes in international politics.
The book collects the testimonies of Soviet women: heroines of the front, workers in the countryside and factories, and mothers who supported their families during war, misery and hunger. With a precise and incisive style, Nocuń turns the experience of ordinary women into universal testimonies and exposes the contradictions of the Soviet story.
The accounts of the old struggles dialogue with the present of many women in the territory of the former USSR, which was marked by armed conflicts and protests. Another ghost runs through the memory of those who lived in the Soviet Union: the silence imposed on women who suffered under state control, religion and patriarchal tradition. A trauma dragged by time, from one generation to another, until one day someone remembers, speaks and names it.
From a constellation of conversations and testimonies, Nocuń has illuminated a face of the 20th century that had remained in the shadows. At a time when Eastern Europe is once again the scene of crucial transformations, El amor ha sido mi única culpa is an urgent reminder that voices from the past can offer keys to understanding the present.
Red Army partisans, mothers trapped in the siege of Leningrad, all women who became snipers, truck drivers or nurses to respond to the demands of a ruthless state. The book explores stories that have left their mark on entire generations and, through them, the author addresses the contradictions of the Soviet story, exploring how its protagonists went from being celebrated as heroines to being forgotten or condemned.
Far from the sentimental narrative, Nocuń shows how love -romantic, but not only: also familiar, of course friendship- gives meaning and agency to the lives of these women. In the midst of the hardships of war, in the face of the privations of the Soviet system and in the inclement weather of the post-Soviet present, love always manifests itself as a force capable of sustaining community ties.
Pages: 240
Publisher: La Caja Books
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788417496975
RPP: 21,37 euros