The Diplomat <h4><strong>Rebirth of Ukraine' is the name under which, from February 25 to 28, a forum will be held in Madrid to raise funds and commit investments from Spanish companies for the reconstruction of Ukraine, once a peace agreement is reached.</strong></h4> Business and social organizations from Spain —Sercobe, the Spanish sections of the Rotary Club and the World Trade Center- and Ukraine are involved in the organization of the event, represented by the CEOs of the Ukrainian Agency for Municipal Economic Development (UMEDA) and the ASAP Agri agency. The forum, which <strong>28 Spanish companies have already confirmed their attendance</strong>, is similar to those that will take place on the same dates in different capitals of the world, including Washington. The common objective is to obtain investment commitments and donations for a value as close as possible to the more than 750,000 million euros that, according to the latest estimates, the reconstruction of the country will cost. Regarding the possibility of peace negotiations with Russia, Ambassador Serhii Pohoreltsev repeated that <strong>Ukraine does not contemplate the cession of territories or sovereignty to Russia and affirmed that his government wants to open “real” negotiations</strong> with Russia, in which the United States and the European Union would act as mediators. Regarding Ukraine and the United States reaching an agreement to exchange military and economic aid from Washington for Ukrainian rare earths and minerals, <strong>Pohoreltsev recalled that President Volodymir Zelensky has expressed readiness to conclude such an agreement.</strong>