With the support of the Portuguese Embassy and the Instituto Camões, the Espacio Mínimo gallery (Calle del Dr. Fourquet, 17) presents until 22 March the fourth solo exhibition by the Portuguese artist Ana Vidigal, entitled Cuéntame del viento (Tell me about the wind).
The exhibition brings together works of recent creation in which the usual load of memory that conforms and nourishes its poetics has given way this time to a reflection on our present -unsettling and uncertain- present. The artist’s dismay is addressed from a statement that coincides with the philosopher Jacques Rànciere: “Aesthetics are not political by accident, but by essence”, as the French thinker affirms in his essay The Discomfort in Aesthetics.
Tell me about the wind is composed of a site-specific installation of large format fabrics as flags that, borrowing the title of a poem by Marguerite Yourcenair (Fires,1936) For there is salt in tears, hang motionless, appropriating the whole space. Innocent children’s characters from comics and enlarged photographs are the carriers of a symbolism for resilience. Next to them, a series of paintings on canvas and digital printing by inkjet in which the winds make their presence as counterpoint. Flags and wind.
The exhibition concludes with a group of paintings on paper in which the pictorial matter expands nervous and stubborn, covering and smearing almost the entire surface, leaving just a gap in which the personal emerges as an exercise of resistance to ward off the bad taste, and not only from the mouth, that leave every day these winds of angry ideologies.