<h6><strong>Eduardo González</strong></h6> <h4><strong><span class="jCAhz ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">The King and Queen presided over the traditional annual reception for the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Spain at the Royal Palace in Madrid on Thursday, where Felipe VI defended the Government's decision to recognise the Palestinian State and the holding of the Middle East peace conference in Spain.</span></span> He also urged the European Union to “overcome its internal constraints” to act “as a global actor and in a united manner” in the “defence of international law, peace and stability”.</strong></h4> The Diplomatic Corps accredited in Spain is made up in total of 126 Embassies resident in our country and almost 800 Consulates, 153 career and more than 600 honorary. In addition, another 49 countries are accredited to Spain, but have residence in Paris, London, Brussels or Geneva. Apart from that, 42 international organisations have their headquarters in Spain. During the event, held in the Throne Room and also attended by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, Felipe VI spoke a few words in which he reviewed the “complex and unstable international scenario in which we find ourselves and in which we must face global challenges that challenge us all and which therefore require joint and responsible responses”. Among these challenges, the Monarch recalled that terrorism continues to be “one of the greatest threats to the achievements and rights obtained in terms of justice, security and freedoms” and that “the international context continues, for another year, to be conditioned by terrible wars that make clear the urgency of moving towards peace and cooperation”. “We are ending 2024 with one of them still on European soil, unleashed after the aggression, contrary to International Law, by Russia against Ukraine, and which, almost three years later, continues to leave behind an unbearable cost in lives, in innocent victims and in destruction of infrastructure and well-being, in the face of which the international community cannot remain impassive,” he continued. For this reason, the King warned that it is “fundamental” that the European Union “maintains its support for Ukraine, as Spain has defended since the beginning of the Russian aggression, and as reiterated last year during the visit of President (Volodymyr) Zelensky to our country”, in which “a security agreement was signed that reinforces our support for its legitimate defence and, in turn, reaffirms our commitment to the reconstruction of Ukraine”. Felipe VI also recalled “the tragedy that is being experienced in the Middle East, more than a year after the terrible and criminal terrorist attacks suffered by Israel, whose strongest condemnation I reiterate here today”. “Spain demands the immediate release of all hostages, as well as respect for International Law, especially International Humanitarian Law, to put an end to the terrible humanitarian situation of the Palestinian population in Gaza and the West Bank,” he continued. “With the recognition of the State of Palestine, Spain seeks to contribute to stability in the region and support efforts for a peaceful solution, in addition to the offer to host a Peace Conference in our country that will restore hope, paving the way for a future of stability, security and coexistence in the region,” he added. “We begin 2025 with a regional crisis in the Middle East of unprecedented dimensions to date,” he warned. “Spain wants to contribute as much as possible to the de-escalation of violence in the region and to the promotion of peace and, in this framework, it works for institutional stability in Lebanon, thanks to its decisive contribution to UNIFIL, as well as for a political solution for Syria through a fair and inclusive peace process,” he said. <h5><strong>Multilateralism, EU and USA</strong></h5> According to the Monarch, “the future of the Middle East, Ukraine, and other regions of the world depends on strengthening multilateralism, improving its effectiveness and representativeness.” “In this year 2025, in which we will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the United Nations, Spain reaffirms its determination to defend an international order based on rules,” because “the answers to global challenges, such as climate crises, environmental sustainability, pandemics, poverty, migration, energy or challenges arising from new technologies, among others, are undoubtedly found in reformed multilateralism,” he warned. On the other hand, the King affirmed that the European Union “must, more than ever, continue to be a reference of solidarity and democratic values and a model of inclusion and plurality in which all European citizens feel their own identity reflected”, and must establish itself “as a global actor, overcoming its internal conditions, to act in a united manner, contributing with conviction to the defence of international law, peace and stability”. Felipe VI also assured that “2024 has been characterised, once again, by a fluid and frequent dialogue with the authorities of the United States of America, a friendly country and key ally”. “All this is part of our country's firm commitment to the Atlantic Alliance, in a year in which the NATO Summit, held precisely in Washington, has served to reinforce the key role of the organisation in the defence of security, stability and peace”, he added.