On Friday, January 10, the French film Bambi, a life in the forest, by Michel Fessler, will be released and rediscover, as never before seen on the big screen, the classic tale of Felix Salten for the first time in real image.
The film, presented at the last edition of the Seville European Film Festival, is a story of initiation, discovery and adventure, starring the famous fawn along with other animals of the forest (all real): deer, eagles, wolves and dogs, and his friends the rabbit, the crow, and the raccoons. Actress Michelle Jenner voices her film in both Spanish and Catalan.
The original story Bambi, a life in the forest (Bambi, Eine Lebengeschichte aus dem Walde) was written in 1923 by the Austro-Hungarian playwright, screenwriter and novelist Felix Salten (1869 – 1945). The author wrote several animal tales, but it was Bambi that became a great success, thanks also to the animated film adaptation that Disney released in 1942. From the Italian “bambino”, Salten was inspired to write the story on a stay in the Alps.
The film tells how a little fawn named Bambi has just come into the world. By the hand of his friends, the rabbit, the crow, the raccoon and the rest of the animals that live in this natural space, Bambi will live all kinds of adventures with which he will prepare to assume his role as prince of the forest.