The Sala Jardiel Poncela of the Teatro Fernán Gómez Centro Cultural de la Villa (Plaza de Colón , 4) presents until 12 January 2025 an adaptation of El Principito (The Little Prince), the great work of Antoine de Saint-LaurentExupéry, but not only focusing on the story of the protagonist of the work, but also on the life of the author and the fundamental values that the work conveys.
Pilar Ávila writes and directs this adaptation with a montage starring Rafa Rojas and has the musical accompaniment of the violinist Esther Muñoz. Both underline the importance of preserving the essence of childhood, a time when people are wiser, curious and open to the wonders of the world. Through the metaphor of the little prince and his journey, we are invited to reflect on what they have left behind as they grow up, pointing out that the ability to wonder, curiosity and connection with oneself tend to be lost in adulthood.
Thus, we remember the importance of stopping to admire the environment with the eyes of childhood, where simplicity and purity allow us to appreciate the fundamental, that which often goes unnoticed in adult life.
The Little Prince is a short novel by the French aviator and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, published in 1943. Although it is apparently a children’s story, it contains profound discussions about life, human nature and the value of the essential. It tells of an airman stranded in the Sahara desert after a crash. There he meets a boy who claims to be a prince coming from a small asteroid called B-612. The little prince recounts his journey through the universe, visiting several planets, each inhabited by an adult who represents a facet of humanity, such as greed, vanity, obsession with power or loneliness. Tickets can be purchased at this link.