<h6><strong>The Diplomat</strong></h6> <h4><strong>The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, held the traditional Christmas videoconference this Tuesday with the Spanish units on humanitarian and peacekeeping missions abroad, whom he congratulated for “demonstrating our country's commitment to peace and security in the world.”</strong></h4> “You carry the name of our country around the world with honour and dignity, and the whole of Spanish society, be absolutely certain, is grateful for your effort, dedication and professionalism,” said Sánchez during the videoconference, in which he was accompanied by the Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, and the Chief of the Defence Staff. “We Spaniards are very proud of the work you do; “inside and outside Spain”, because “every day of the year, 24 hours a day, you watch over to maintain security in the spaces of sovereignty and national interest and because, in emergencies and catastrophes such as the one caused by the DANA, your work to help those affected is absolutely commendable”. For this reason, Sánchez thanked them “for demonstrating our country's commitment to peace and security in the world”. “The more than 15,000 soldiers who have participated in missions abroad this year are proof of this”, he continued. “You always leave a good memory, a good image that contributes to our Armed Forces being increasingly better valued internationally, and that also contributes to improving the reputation of our country”, he added. The head of the Executive particularly valued the Spanish military presence on the eastern flank of NATO, in Slovakia, Latvia and Romania, which “is the best message that Spain can send to mark a clear red line to the Russian Federation and its president Putin”, and highlighted the importance of the UN international force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), “under Spanish command”, which in the current context is “more necessary than ever”. Finally, Sánchez dedicated a few words “to honour the memory of the 175 men and women who during these 35 years of missions abroad have given their lives in the fulfilment of their duty”. For her part, Margarita Robles stated that “it is a pride for all of Spain to see you deployed in all places in the world”. “You make our country have an indisputable leadership in this commitment to a more just society and a better society”, she concluded.