<h6><strong>Eduardo González</strong></h6> <h4><strong>The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) has approved the granting of 38 scholarships, for an amount of almost one million euros, for the training of young Spaniards in development cooperation in the Technical Cooperation Offices and Training Centers of the Agency during the period 2024-2025.</strong></h4> The scholarships correspond to the COOPERATION Program belonging to the call for MAEC-AECID scholarships for training young Spaniards 2024/2025, published last April and which has a total amount of 2.65 million euros. The other two programs in the call are for cultural management and scientific diplomacy (CULT Program) and for European affairs at the College of Europe (COE Program). “Through this program, the Spanish Cooperation Offices and the AECID Training Centers offer their spaces and resources so that young Spaniards have a unique training opportunity for their professional future,” the Agency highlighted in a press release. According to the resolution granting the COOPERACIÓN Program, published this Monday on the AECID Electronic Office, a total of 38 training scholarships have been awarded in development cooperation management at the AECID Cooperation Offices in Latin America, Africa and Asia and at the Spanish Cooperation Training Centers in Latin America. The total amount, according to the call for applications, is 994,500 euros. More specifically, the scholarship holders will receive their training at the Spanish Cooperation Offices (OCE) in Mauritania, Cuba, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Uruguay, as well as at the Training Centers in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) and La Antigua (Guatemala). However, the places in Mauritania and Honduras have become vacant as no candidates have accepted them, so that the 40 scholarships provided for in the call for applications for this programme have finally been reduced to 38. The purpose of this scholarship programme is to contribute to theoretical and practical training in the field of development cooperation management carried out by AECID, humanitarian action, as well as to contribute to training and specialisation within the framework of the Plan for Transfer, Exchange and Management of Knowledge for the Development of Spanish Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean. The training scholarship programmes for young Spaniards are part of the initiatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through AECID, to promote the professionalisation of Spanish youth in matters related to international cooperation for development and humanitarian action.