<h6><strong>Eduardo González</strong></h6> <h4><strong>The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, has called during the PSOE Congress, which is being held in Seville, for the unity of “socialists and social democrats” against an “extreme right that believes its time has come”.</strong></h4> Albares presented this Saturday the second Agora `Advancing for Peace´ of the 41st Federal Congress of the PSOE and warned that the extreme right believes its time has come. “That is why it is so important that social democrats, as we are doing today here in Seville, in this 41st Congress, meet and say that we are going to continue conquering the future”. “When socialists and social democrats act together, united, mutualising the risks and benefits, we get through crises much better, as we have done during COVID or with the energy crisis, after the Russian aggression against Ukraine”, he said. “We do it faster, we come out in better shape and, above all, we don't leave anyone behind,” he added. At the beginning of his speech, Albares highlighted the importance of “talking about peace”, about the future of a world in which everything is increasingly more complex and turbulent, “in which we have a war at the gates of Europe, in Ukraine, an unjust war, a war of aggression”. He also recalled that “we see the war spreading in the Middle East and mixing a humanitarian catastrophe, with so many thousands of innocent Palestinians and Lebanese dead, with this feeling that we will never reach a solution between states”. “But Spain will always be on the side of the Palestinian people and the existence of a Palestinian State”, he assured. Along with the minister, the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, also participated in this space for dialogue, who stressed that “for there to be peace, democracy is needed, for there to be democracy, strong parties are needed, like the PSOE”. Speaking at the Agora, UK Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner warned that we are facing a global challenge and we must find a way “to make people feel better, more secure.” She also regretted that there is a lack of stability in Europe that did not exist before and said that international collaboration is extremely important in finding solutions.