<h6><strong>Asier Martínez Jurio/Aquí Europa</strong></h6> <h4><strong>AI is a new tool that has burst into companies and, therefore, understanding it and knowing how to use it in different areas of work will be a key factor in the positioning and leadership of companies. It is of great importance that all sectors have training in artificial intelligence and use it as a means of support in the workplace.</strong></h4> With the aim of making the most of AI in the workplace, the Forum “Innovation and digital skills: building the future of work with AI” was held last Thursday. The event was organized by Prensamedia and had the collaboration of the Rey Juan Carlos University, R Elevado 4 and Escudo Digital. The person in charge of opening the forum was César Cáceres, Vice-Rector for Transformation and Digital Education and Artificial Intelligence of the Rey Juan Carlos University. Cáceres assured that this forum on AI is being held to discuss the way in which it affects jobs and how to take advantage of this new technological revolution. The vice-rector referred to PowerU, the URJC project on empowerment and research through Artificial Intelligence. “This is the last event of this AI month in which the URJC participates. These forums have enjoyed the presence of more than 500 participants, so I appreciate the support that the university community has given to AI. PowerU is the URJC transformation plan to empower the community and the teaching and research staff. Artificial intelligence must be used in a way that makes the most of it, so that students know how to use it in the world of work,” said Cáceres. The first panel on “Employability, digital skills and talent” addressed the most in-demand skills in artificial intelligence, such as data structure or match learning. The speakers also addressed the capacity of AI to accompany teachers and the use that our country is giving to this new technology. The panel was composed of Luisa Eugenia Reyes, director of Artificial Intelligence and process optimization at the URJC; Manuel Abellán Serna, director of Universities at Microsoft Spain; and Luis González Quero, director of Campus 42 Málaga of the Telefónica Foundation. The speakers addressed the need for our country to strengthen the application and use of AI in companies. In addition, they reported that Spain occupies position 21 out of 27, in relation to the concentration of AI talent, compared to the rest of the EU Member States. “The lack of digital skills in AI is reflected in the direct impact on the labour market. Spain is the country where graduates occupy the fewest profiles made with AI. Projects are paralysed because the right people cannot be found,” said Manuel Abellán Serna. The experts also discussed the capacity of AI to advise teachers and teach students to learn. The adoption of AI is a cultural change. They also confirmed that within companies where AI has already been adopted, the development capacity is going at cruising speed and far exceeds its counterparts. For Luisa Eugenia Reyes, it is a priority to change awareness and stop thinking that age prevents the use of new technologies. “The most important thing is to develop collaboration between companies and institutions so that a large part of people can adopt AI in their work environment.” Regarding the implementation of AI, González Quero warns that “we can improve the user experience, but we must not forget that technology has a purpose and we must avoid biases and ensure that everyone has the right to the same training.” The second panel on “Automation in product and service industries” dealt with the role of emerging technologies in the evolution of industrial automation. [caption id="attachment_100066" align="alignnone" width="750"]<img class="wp-image-100066 size-jnews-750x536" src="https://thediplomatinspain.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Foro-IA-mesa-2-1140x855-1-750x536.jpg" alt="" width="750" height="536" /> Foto: Prensamedia[/caption] The debate was attended by Juan Julio González, Head of Artificial Intelligence and Hyperautomation at Navantia; Manel Hidalgo, Director of Continuous Improvement at WFS Spain; Rodrigo del Pozo, a URJC graduate who works with WFS; and Víctor Ramos, Head of Education and Research in the Public Sector at Amazon Web Services for Spain. The speakers analysed the reality of AI as a competitive advantage and the most efficient way to take advantage of it as a service. In turn, the experts stated that within 10 years, the fact that AI is part of our lives will have been assimilated, a similar case occurred with the Internet a few decades ago. For Juan Julio González, it is vitally important to “amplify the capabilities of each person and adapt them to AI, otherwise you will be left behind compared to the rest of the competition”. The panel also focused on the fear of AI and the interaction between humans and computers. In this sense, the speakers pointed out that AI has the ability to promote people's efficiency, but lacks the ability to solve large-scale problems. Víctor Ramos assured that people are expectant about the future of AI, "there are fears, there are people who think they are going to lose their jobs." He also explained that "the fear should not be that we are going to be replaced by a machine, but by someone who knows how to use it, this question will be absurd in 10 years, because AI will be part of everyone's life." "We can reach a more intelligent and impactful automation layer, it is vitally important to develop AI capabilities in students," said Rodrigo del Pozo. The speakers also addressed the ability of AI to improve working conditions and make professionals better organize their time. “AI allows us to interact in a much more intelligent way, tools such as ChatGPT allow us to carry out and plan actions in an efficient way, thus giving rise to a much more elaborate automation layer. It is important to start learning about the field of AI and know where it is going,” said Manel Hidalgo. The third and final panel “Innovation and productivity in the era of Artificial Intelligence, a view from different sectors”, dealt with the role of AI in terms of innovation and how it influences the hiring of personnel. [caption id="attachment_100068" align="alignnone" width="750"]<img class="wp-image-100068 size-jnews-750x536" src="https://thediplomatinspain.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Foro-IA-mesa-3-1140x855-1-750x536.jpg" alt="" width="750" height="536" /> Foto: Prensamedia[/caption] This panel was made up of Ignacio González, director of the Technological Innovation Commission of the College of Registrars of Spain; Luis Jesús Pintado, Head Full Stack Technology at STRATESYS; and Javier Lozano, CEO of Nanfor Ibérica. The experts highlighted the serious problem that AI will pose in the training of people, due to the future lack of junior positions. On the other hand, they also stated that, despite AI's ability to provide accurate and developed responses, the link between employer and employee will be greatly diminished. “Productivity in the US is growing while that in Europe is falling, 8/10 technology companies worldwide are American and none are European. At the market level there is a major problem. Spain is going to maintain investment in AI and increase data. AI is at a point where it can reinforce and automate jobs,” said Pintado. Regarding initiatives for the development of maker communities, Lozano highlighted that “AI generates much more speed for workers and solves many organizational problems.” AI changes the way of working, you save more time by automating, but you have to keep in mind that workers with poor performance may be greatly affected and even lose their jobs due to AI. On the other hand, overspecialization will also have an impact on many sectors. Yago González, CEO of Grupo Prestomedia, was in charge of closing the event. González stated that AI is already being implemented in the work environment of his company and will be one of the key points of the Editors' Congress to be held in March. [caption id="attachment_100070" align="alignnone" width="750"]<img class="wp-image-100070 size-jnews-750x536" src="https://thediplomatinspain.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Foro-IA-cierre-1140x855-1-750x536.jpg" alt="" width="750" height="536" /> Foto: Prensamedia[/caption] “We hope that AI will help to minimize natural disasters. At Prensamedia we are beginning to implement AI in our media. AI and how it affects the media will be the main topic of the Editors' Congress. Thanks to the URJC and the AI companies for their commitment and participation in this forum,” he concluded.