<h6><strong>Luis Ayllón</strong></h6> <h4></h4> <h4><strong>The Austrian ambassador to Spain, Enno Drofenik, assured that economic and political relations in Spain are excellent and highlighted the record of Austrian investments in our country in the field of renewable energies.</strong></h4> Drofenik made this statement during a reception offered on Monday, at his residence, on the occasion of the National Day, which every October 26 marks the end of the occupation of Austria after the Second World War and the decision of perpetual neutrality of the country agreed by the Austrian Parliament. The ambassador specified that this neutrality is only military and not political, because <strong>"Austria -he said- will never be neutral when it comes to violations of International Law and Human Rights."</strong> After pointing out that democratic values and freedoms are under increasing pressure today, he quoted Karl Popper, noting that “If we do not defend tolerance against intolerance, tolerance will disappear.” The ambassador recalled that Austria and Spain share a dynastic past, through the House of Habsburg and that in 2024, <strong>460 years of diplomatic relations</strong> will be celebrated. He then added: “Economic and political relations are excellent, with <strong>record investments by Austria, especially in the field of renewable energies.”</strong> Enno Drofenik also referred to the fact that Spain and Austria are two tourist countries, with a large exchange of visitors, and stressed that, starting this winter season, <strong>Iberia not only flies three times a day to Vienna, but also offers direct flights to Salzburg and Innsbruc</strong>k. The national and EU anthems were performed by pianist and conductor<strong> Maximilian Khevenhüller,</strong> descendant of Hans Khevenhüller, who was the first ambassador of the Habsburg Emperor in Spain almost 500 years ago. The reception was attended by numerous ambassadors, both European and from other parts of the world, and, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the <strong>Director General for Coordination of the Internal Market and other Community Policies, Antonio Rodríguez de Liévana.</strong> [caption id="attachment_99160" align="alignnone" width="750"]<img class="size-full wp-image-99160" src="https://thediplomatinspain.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Serbia-Ecuador-Bulgaria-y-Luis-ok.jpg" alt="" width="750" height="422" /> Left: the ambassadors of Serbia, Ecuador and Bulgaria, together with the director of The Diplomat in Spain.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_99162" align="alignnone" width="750"]<img class="size-full wp-image-99162" src="https://thediplomatinspain.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Corea-Croacia-Suecia-y-Nuncio-ok.jpg" alt="" width="750" height="422" /> Left: the ambassadors of Korea, Croatia, Sweden and H.E. His Holiness' Nuncio.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_99164" align="alignnone" width="750"]<img class="size-full wp-image-99164" src="https://thediplomatinspain.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Bosnia-y-Nueva-Zelanda-ok.jpg" alt="" width="750" height="422" /> The ambassadors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with their New Zealand counterpart and her husband.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_99166" align="alignnone" width="750"]<img class="size-full wp-image-99166" src="https://thediplomatinspain.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Georgia-y-Uzbekistan-ok.jpg" alt="" width="750" height="422" /> The Business Officer a.i. of the Embassy of Georgia and the Ambassador of Uzbekistan.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_99168" align="alignnone" width="750"]<img class="size-full wp-image-99168" src="https://thediplomatinspain.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Hungria-y-Letonia-ok.jpg" alt="" width="750" height="422" /> The Ambassador of Hungary with her counterpart from Estonia.[/caption]