<h6><strong>The Diplomat</strong></h6> <h4></h4> <h4><strong>Guatemala has been without an ambassador in Spain since Mónica Bolaños left her post at the head of the diplomatic representation in Madrid at the end of May 2023 to be appointed ambassador of that country in Ecuador.</strong></h4> For nearly a year and a half, the minister counselor, Marlene Reynoso, has acted as chargé d'affaires ad interim, waiting for the position to be filled by the current president of the country, Bernardo Arévalo. Arévalo won the presidential elections in Guatemala in August 2023, and after a few months of uncertainty, he took office in January of this year, in an event attended by His Majesty the King, representing Spain, although the existing tensions for the presidential handover to take place delayed the beginning of the ceremony by ten hours, so Don Felipe had to return to Spain without attending that moment. However, on February 22, Bernardo Arévalo made an official visit to Spain, where he had the opportunity to meet with the Spanish Monarch and the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. Arévalo, however, despite having made some appointments of new ambassadors, has not yet announced who will be the person who will represent the Central American country in Spain.