<h6 class="p1"><strong>The Diplomat</strong></h6> <strong>The Board of Directors of the Brazil-Spain Chamber of Commerce appointed last Friday, October 11, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscarmendezmartinez/">Óscar Méndez Martínez</a> as its new executive director, during a meeting attended by the president of the CCBE, Trinidad Jiménez, and Cassio Romano, director of Casa do Brasil.</strong> Óscar Méndez will take over the position from Antonio del Corro, who has decided to retire after several years at the helm of the institution. During his tenure, <strong>Antonio del Corro “has been instrumental in the expansion of the <a href="https://ccbe.es/">CCBE</a>, significantly increasing the number of associated companies</strong> and significantly increasing the organization of activities and professional conferences, which has boosted the social relevance of our Chamber and strengthened the commercial ties that exist between the two countries,” according to the Chamber in a statement. Óscar Méndez, has been r<strong>ecognized for his experience in the Spanish chamber system</strong> and his ability to lead new projects. “With a solid track record as director of Institutional and Corporate Relations, the new director is committed to continuing the CCBE's vision of growth,” the press release adds. “<strong>My goal is to continue to structure the rapprochement between entrepreneurs in Spain and Brazil</strong> so that, together, we can promote the economic growth of both countries,” said Méndez after his appointment. The CCBE board of directors expressed its appreciation to Antonio del Corro “for his dedication and leadership” and expressed its confidence that “Óscar Méndez will expand the scope of the Chamber's activities and membership”.