<h6><strong>The Diplomat</strong></h6> <h4><strong>All the foreign ambassadors accredited in Spain, except those who are pending to present their Letters of Credence to King Felipe VI, attended the reception offered by the King and Queen of Spain at the Palacio de Oriente to commemorate the national holiday of October 12.</strong></h4> The reception was attended by a total of more than a thousand guests, including the full Government, all the presidents of the autonomous communities, including this year the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, leaders of the political groups, deputies and senators, members of the Constitutional Court, the General Council of the Judiciary, the Supreme Court, the Council of State, the Court of Auditors, the Attorney General's Office and the Ombudsman, as well as representatives of culture, journalism and business, among others. Once the greetings were over, the reception began, which took place in the area of the Gala Dining Room and the Gasparini and Carlos III Halls. Previously, the military parade, presided by the King and Queen together with the Princess of Asturias in the Plaza de Neptuno, took place under a heavy rain that caused the suspension of the aerial parade, the Eagle Patrol and the traditional parachute jump. There was even a threat of suspension of the terrestrial parade when the rain was heavy, but finally it was decided to continue when the downpour subsided. A total of 2,000 troops from various units of the Army, the Navy, the Civil Guard, the Military Emergency Unit, the Royal Guard, State Security Forces and Corps and various Security, Civil Protection and Emergency Agencies took part in the parade.