Since last September 19 the musical comedy The Book of Mormon can be enjoyed in its second and final season at the Teatro Calderón in Madrid (calle Atocha, 18).
In its first season, The Book of Mormon (The Book of Mormon) has been chosen as the Best Musical of 2024, according to the Talía Awards, Broadway World and Musical Theatre Awards. To date, no other musical has received such unanimous recognition of the 3 awards that are awarded annually by the sector, critics and audiences.
It is the only contemporary comedy to be performed simultaneously in the three major world capitals of musicals, where it has won over 10 million spectators, continuing its performances on Broadway for more than 13 years and in London for 11. Internationally he has also been awarded with 9 Tony and 4 Olivier (including Best Musical in both awards).
The plot of this musical seems very crazy and initially has as protagonists Elder Price and Elder Cunningham, two missionary tocayos of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Last Days -so they call themselves the mormons- who are sent to a remote village in Uganda to introduce their faith among the natives. The purpose may not seem easy on paper, but it will be even more complicated on the ground as Ugandans will prove to have more pressing priorities in their daily lives than serving young people in white shirts and ties with the Bible under their arms. Logically, they will be joined by a real squad of Mormons to try and win the locals. Tickets can be purchased at this link.