Eduardo González The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, continued yesterday with his round of contacts, in this case with the representatives of the African Embassies, to explain the new Africa Strategy before it is elevated to the Council of Ministers. The meeting, held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Marqués de Salamanca (Madrid), was attended by representatives of all the African Embassies accredited in Spain. The Ministry has also had the details of the Strategy brought to the various African governments through the Spanish Embassies in Africa and through the visits to Africa recently made by the Minister himself. Last Tuesday, and within this round of contacts, José Manuel Albares presented the new Africa Strategy to the Secretaries of State of the various Ministries involved. In addition, after yesterday's meeting, a new meeting of the Africa Roundtable is planned, which, under the presidency of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, will bring together the General Administration of the State and Spanish civil society before the final text is submitted to the Council of Ministers for final approval. The objective of this Strategy, according to Foreign Affairs in a press release, is to make Spain's relations with Africa more strategic, taking into account the neighbourhood and the dynamics underway in the African territory. The Strategy also aims to support the economic and social transformation of the continent's countries with a focus on youth, seeks "greater coordination with its African partners based on strengthening partnerships and the principle of mutual respect" and aims to raise Spain's "leadership" "as the European country closest to Africa." Spain maintains growing political dialogue with the AU and ECOWAS, as a trade and investment partner, in development cooperation, security and migration management. In addition, it is a leading country in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors, in the fishing sector (with the largest fishing fleet in the EU), and is present in several African countries with instruments of cultural and educational cooperation and with a growing demand for learning Spanish. "Unlike the three African Plans, this Strategy includes the entire continent, but pays special attention to West Africa and the Sahel," the Ministry continued last Tuesday. Another distinctive element is that “Spain will enter into agreements with African countries at a multilateral level”, both with the European Union, assuming a greater role in the orientation and execution of European policy towards Africa, and with the UN and the G-20. The “first milestone” of the Strategy will be the IV International Conference on Financing for Development, which will take place in Seville in June 2025.