On August 28, the Teatro de La Latina in Madrid (Plaza de la Cebada, 2) will premiere the play written by William Shakespeare, La comedia de los errores (The comedy of mistakes), starring Pepón Nieto, Antonio Pagudo, Fernando Soto, Rulo Pardo, Avelino Piedad and Esteban Garrido under the direction of Andrés Lima.
Laughter, entanglement and dynamism are the proposal of this hilarious and confusing work in which the spectators will be dragged into a journey where humor is the common thread.
This work situates the action in classical antiquity, with Syracuse (on the island of Sicily, Italy) and Ephesus (near present-day Smyrna, Turkey) as opposing cities, naming also Epidamnos (now Durres, Albania). All this is because the plot is based on a comedy by Plautus, The Menecmos.
A company of men who will represent several characters each, including different women. This work is a tribute to freedom, entanglement and all that is not considered orthodox. Tickets can be purchased at this link.