The Teatro Bellas Artes de Madrid premieres today the play Coriolano, after Shakespeare, directed by Emiliano del Valle and performed by Gonzalo Hermoso, Jorge Muñoz, Lidia Palazuelos, Luna Mayo and Soledad Vidal.
The action takes place during the 5th century BC. In Rome, democracy barely emerges as it is known today. There is a food crisis due to high wheat prices: inflation. The people want to eat. A strike, a revolt, takes place, which pits patricians and commoners in the streets, and their representatives in the Senate. The consul must be chosen. The patricians propose the conservative Cayo Marcio, a young but military expert who hates the people. However, he needs his votes, he must ask them, beg them, as a necessary step to be proclaimed Consul.
A battle promoted by the Volscos against Rome is won by Gaius Marcius at Corioles. Gaius Marcius is already Coriolanus. He has won the battle of Corioles, but the political battle of Rome is served. Class struggle, food prices, inflation: the validity of this text is extraordinary. Tickets can be purchased at this link.