Philosophy has become an indispensable tool for managers. Organisations are often focused on power and efficiency, but these are short-term solutions. Only with philosophical knowledge is it possible to look at the strategic horizon and complement efficiency with effectiveness.
Philosophy for Managers is a useful tool for organisational leaders to develop executive philosophical skills and capabilities, to achieve their full potential and to exercise wise and temperate leadership. In addition, philosophy is fundamental to the business world, providing the strategic vision, effective reasoning and ethical principle necessary for effective business management.
With this book, you will learn the 10 key principles of philosophy, from Socratism to Structuralism, in a practical and accessible way, and discover how to apply them in your day-to-day life as a business leader. They will help the reader to gain the greatest possible insight into reality and to make wise decisions that will ultimately result in the greatest possible profit. The neglect of philosophical capacity is a real debt of knowledge owed by organisations.
Pages: 208
Publisher: LID
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788417880569
RPP: 21,80 euros