The Diplomat
The PP spokesperson in the Senate Foreign Commission, Pilar Rojo, yesterday asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, if he will seek Israel’s collaboration through diplomatic channels after the National Court has reopened the investigation into espionage with the Pegasus software to the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.
The Court had initially closed this investigation due to Israel’s lack of collaboration in relation to Pegasus, owned by the Israeli company NSO Group.
The PP senator added, referring to the question she had asked: “Many of us fear not and that if it were not for the French Government, you would not have much interest in knowing exactly what was on the mobile phones, and above all, what was important, if it has any repercussions and if it represents any problem for our country.”
In the same appearance, other parties, such as PNV, Bildu, ERC or BNG, reiterated their rejection of the Government’s change of position regarding Western Sahara with its support for the Moroccan autonomy plan.
In his reply, Albares did not make any comment on the question from the spokesperson of the Popular Group about Pegasus, and speaking of the Sahara issue, he referred to the statements at the time of the Government of Mariano Rajoy at the end of the high-level meetings with Morocco, in which, as indicated, there is no mention of the Sahara, nor is the right of self-determination of the Sahrawis mentioned in the PP’s electoral program for the elections last July.