The Diplomat
Yesterday, the Council of Ministers sent to the Cortes Generales (Spanish Parliament) the cooperation agreement between Spain and the United States for the deployment of security agents on flights to, from, or between both countries, while authorizing the expression of Spain’s consent. to be bound by the aforementioned agreement.
The purpose of the agreement, which was authorized by the Council of Ministers on August 23, 2022 and signed in Madrid on December 29 of that same year, is to combat terrorist threats against civil aviation, as well as develop police cooperation between two countries. The agreement is intended to be an international treaty that establishes a framework for cooperation in the fight against crime in the field of aviation security and without prejudice to the fact that it may subsequently be developed by other regulatory instruments, if circumstances so require.
Cooperation will be provided with respect for the respective national legislation and international commitments assumed by both parties and guided by the principles of equality, reciprocity and mutual assistance.
According to the Government, organized crime in all its forms and international terrorism are two of the most serious problems facing the international community. In this context, the fight against transnational organized crime constitutes a priority objective of international organizations worldwide and aviation security is one of the most sensitive areas that requires security reinforcement.
“International cooperation in these aspects is necessary for the benefit of both countries,” declared the Council of Ministers. “The common interest that Spain and the United States share in strengthening their relations of friendship and cooperation in these matters has led the parties to reach a collaboration agreement,” he concluded.
The agreement is structured in a preamble that expresses the importance of developing cooperation in the fight against terrorist threats against civil aviation and ten articles that detail responsibilities and establish operating procedures inside the aircraft to maintain security. on the flight.