This evening at 7 p.m., the Fundación Ortega-Marañón in Madrid (Calle Fortuny, 53) is organising a round table discussion entitled The future of Spanish foreign policy in a convulsive world.
Three leading figures in Spanish foreign policy will participate in a debate on the future of Spain’s action in the world: José María Beneyto, Professor of International Public Law and International Relations and President of the Spanish Foreign Policy Association, author of the book Spanish Foreign Policy; Juan Moscoso del Prado Hernández, Council Member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and former spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Spanish Congress of Deputies; and Ana Palacio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs.
What is the framework for Spanish foreign policy in these times of geopolitical turbulence? What are its possibilities and how to set its priorities? According to some analysts, for years Spain has not been playing at the level it should on the international stage. Issues such as Europe, Latin America, the transatlantic relationship, the new horizons of Asia and Africa, and the multiple challenges of global governance show how complex foreign policy has become.
The book Spanish Foreign Policy, by José Mª Beneyto Pérez, is the first manual on this increasingly important subject, Spanish Foreign Policy, both in International Relations courses (and double degrees), and for people working in the area of international relations (companies, ministries, think tanks), and candidates for the Diplomatic School, as well as foreign diplomats.
Pages: 384
Publisher: TECNOS
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788430987429
RPP: 23,27 euros