On Thursday 11 April at 12 noon, the Prestomedia Group will present the study ‘A Spanish vision of the European Union: 2024-2029‘ in the Europa Room of the European Parliament in Madrid (Pº de la Castellana, 46).
The study has been directed by Ambassador Javier Elorza (in the photo), coordinated by Francisco Fonseca, Director of the Institute of European Studies of the UVa, and the supervision of the prospective analysis by Mª Luisa Humanes, Vice-Rector of International Relations of the Rey Juan Carlos University.
Last November, the Prestomedia Group presented the first phase of this study, which addresses the immediate and medium-term future of the European Union from a Spanish perspective. The text is intended as a valuable contribution to the European debate, underlining the importance of Spain’s maturity as a member state over the last four decades. The event attracted the attention of numerous Spanish and foreign diplomats.