Asier Martínez Jurio-Aquí Europa
Sumar has chosen Estrella Galán, general director of the Spanish Commission for Refugee Assistance (CEAR) since 2011, to head her list in the next European elections on June 9.
Yolanda Díaz’s party has stressed the importance of these elections, in which “the future of Europe” is at stake, and has therefore considered that Galán’s profile is appropriate and “essential”, a woman “committed to human rights and a welcoming Europe.” In addition, it has specified that this would be Galán’s debut in politics. She has a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology and has a degree in Social Work from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Díaz has already informed the parties participating in Sumar of the decision to take Galán to the Europeans and the response has been mostly very positive. This candidacy joins that already known in other political formations in this electoral space, such as Manu Pineda (IU), Florent Marcellesi (Equo) or Jaume Asens (comuns). The name of the Más Madrid candidate still remains to be known. Estrella Galán does not belong to any of the parties integrated into Sumar.
On the other hand, Irene Montero has already announced her candidacy for the European elections on behalf of Podemos, while the PP and the PSOE have yet to name his candidates.
The European elections will take place on June 9 in Spain and from June 6 to June 9 in the different countries that make up the EU. In Spain, 61 MEPs will be elected in 2024, two more than in the 2019 elections.