As part of the Romania in Music programme , the Instituto Rumano de Cultura in Madrid, in collaboration with the Real Academia de Bellas Artes San Fernando, under the auspices of the Romanian Embassy, is organising a solo piano recital by Raluca Știrbăț (pictured: @Nicolae Alexa Kopie) as the first event of the year 2024.
The event, considered a unique journey through works of classical music, will take place on Friday 1 March at 12 noon in the auditorium of the Institute (Plaza del Cordón, 1, lower right) and will celebrate the Romanian spring festival/Mărțișor. Free admission until full capacity is reached.
The pianist Raluca Știrbăț proposes a sonorous journey inspired by the title of Joaquín Turina ‘s famous work , Danzas fantásticas. Strategically placed in the centre, as a kind of sonic “axis” or connection between musical epochs, Joaquín Turina’s brilliant piece Exaltación ( 1919) is also an act of reverence for the wonderful Spanish audience. The sonorous journey will continue with a tribute to George Enescu by the Romanian composer Violeta Dinescu, Telomer for solo piano (2004), in which the creator confesses that she considered essential “the discovery of structures in the immensity of sound – which represents chaos – structures that allow a continuous transformation, although they are constants, for which quality is essential”.
Carillon nocturne op. 18 (1916) represents one of the most original, visionary and enigmatic pieces of the Romanian composer George Enescu ‘s creation , a truly mesmerising composition, decades ahead of its time, considered by composers and musicologists as a very rare diamond that could not, unfortunately, leave its mark on the music of his time, Unfortunately, due to an unfortunate misplacement of the score during the First World War and its late recovery in 1957 in Iași, Romania, the pianist’s hometown, it failed to make its mark on the evolution of musical language at the time it was created. The programme is completed by pieces by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Liszt and Serghej Prokofiev.