Juan David Latorrre
Salih Husain Ali, Ambassador of Iraq, inaugurated last Friday, together with the Director of the Real Jardín Botánico of Madrid, Mª Paz Martín, the exhibition Shahrezade and the Arabian Nights, by the painter Hanoos Hanoos, which will be on display in the Garden’s exhibition hall until 10 March.
According to the artist, this exhibition “develops the stories inside, life takes place inside the canvas, it is not designed to be seen but on the contrary, the characters are immersed in their own daily lives. Immutable, they brush against each other in proximity and at the same time remain absorbed in their own events, a circumstance that is corroborated by the fact that many of them literally have their backs to the spectator”.
Painter, printmaker and teacher, Hanoos Hanoos (Kufa, Iraq – 1958) holds a PhD in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid. In 1974 he began his undergraduate studies at the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad, finishing in 1979. After travelling to Italy and Europe, he entered the Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid in 1984. In 1991 he obtained his doctorate on the work of Al Wasiti, graduating cum laude.
He has had forty solo exhibitions and more than a hundred group shows; he has won several grants, including one from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Hispano-Arabic Institute; and has won more than forty painting prizes. A Spanish national, he has lived in Madrid since 1981, where he works as a professional painter and teacher.