With the collaboration of the Instituto Italiano de Cultura de Madrid and the Comitato Nazionale Italiano Música (CIDIM), the Teatro Fernando de Rojas del Círculo de Bellas Artes (Calle del Marqués de Casa Riera, 2) presents a concert by pianist Benedetto Lupo on Sunday 21 January at 19:00.
The Italian pianist Benedetto Lupo brings together in this recital two essential names of German Romanticism, united also by a friendship that arose when in September 1853 a young Brahms arrived at the Schumann house in Düsseldorff to show such overflowing talent that Robert would immediately consecrate him in an article in which he considered him the “chosen one” for whom they had been waiting.
Two great cycles of the young Schumann of the 1930s, the Children’s Scenes Op.15 and the Kreisleriana Op.16 are counterbalanced by two of the autumnal Brahms collections of the 1990s. Youthful melancholy and exaltation, those two characters so often contrasted in Schumann, are combined here with the naked, exquisite essentiality of the Brahms who seemed to be saying goodbye to life. Tickets can be purchased here.