The Diplomat
Last Tuesday, the Council of Ministers authorized two contributions of more than four million euros for water and sanitation projects in Bolivia and Mexico.
On the one hand, the Council of Ministers authorized a contribution of 3,569,466.23 euros to the Ministry of Environment and Water of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, charged to the Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation (FCAS), for the financing of the Water and Sanitation Program for rural communities, small and intermediate cities, designating the Official Credit Institute (ICO) as financial agent for the implementation of the proposed operation.
In addition, the Council of Ministers authorized a second contribution of 500,000 euros from the FCAS to finance the program Improving access to drinking water and sanitation services in rural communities in the municipality of Tekax, Yucatan, also designating the ICO as the financial agent for the implementation of this operation.
The objective of the program is to create the conditions to make the human rights to water and sanitation effective, providing the population of rural indigenous communities in the municipality of Tekax with safe access to water and sanitation services that contribute to improving the health of its inhabitants.
The FCAS was created in December 2007 to finance actions to promote and improve access to water and sanitation services for the citizens of Latin American countries, within the framework of the Government’s international cooperation policy for development.