Coinciding with the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Fundación Canal (Paseo de la Castellana, 214) will open tomorrow, Thursday, the exhibition The Berlin Wall. A World Divided, the first large-scale travelling exhibition on what was once the border between the two Germanies, with a collection of more than 300 original objects, videos and unpublished testimonies.
Madrid, which has been twinned with Berlin since 4 November 1988, is the first stop on a seven-year tour during which the exhibition will travel to various cities around the world. The exhibition, organised by Musealia -responsible for the exhibition Auschwitz. Not so long ago. Not far away- together with the Berlin Wall Foundation, explores the different perspectives of the experiences lived on both sides of the wall for almost three decades, constituting a human testimony of the reality that this symbol represented: a global conflict between capitalism and communism that brought the world to the brink of nuclear destruction.
The Berlin Wall. A World Divided shows how Berlin -and the entire world- positioned itself, fought, escaped, accommodated and ultimately overcame the Cold War divide. Extending its narrative to its fall in 1989, the exhibition hints at the legacy of an era that continues to shape the world to this day.