The group Sampravaahi from Rajasthan, led by Samandar Manganiar and sponsored by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) of the Government of India, presents tomorrow Saturday at 7 p.m. its show of Rajasthani folk music and Kathak classical dance at the Sala de Columnas del Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid (Calle Alcalá, 42), as part of the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Fundación Casa de la India. The show is not numbered. Price: 5 €.
In this show organised by the Embassy of India and the Fundación Casa de la India, Sampravaahi presents a music and dance performance in which two artistic currents converge: the folk music and song of the Manganiar tradition of the desert of Rajasthan and the classical Kathak dance in the style (gharana) of Jaipur. The presentation explores the common ground shared by these two arts that blend, interact and sometimes flow in parallel, yet retain their distinctive flavours. The multi-faceted classicism of Kathak dance thus converges with the depth and colourful romanticism of the folklore that emanates from the traditional music of the Rajasthani desert.