The show Jaleos Jondos arrives at the Teatro Magno in Madrid (Calle de Cedaceros, 7), a journey to dream flamenco from the essence to the avant-garde.
Jaleos Jondos is the new contemporary flamenco show directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca (director of Cirque du Soleil shows such as Corteo and Luzia), with music by Latin Grammy winner Javier Limón (Lágrimas Negras), choreography by José Maldonado and set and costume design by the MAX theatre award winner and artistic director of Letsgo, Felype de Lima.
This new production will transport the audience from the origins of the gypsy diaspora to the new electrified sounds of today’s flamenco. A journey that the masters Finzi Pasca and Limón have taken, honouring the historical tradition of the 12 flamenco palos and dividing the show into the 4 seasons of the year. This journey starts in the depths of winter, where soleares and siguiriyas will sound, and culminates with the arrival of the bright spring, where fandangos and sevillanas will shine.
The show presents the spectator with a journey that spans more than three centuries of evolution, connecting culture and heritage from the very essence to the avant-garde of flamenco. It also completes the journey through a unique gastronomic experience: a tasting menu inspired by the story and the most significant elements of this ancient style. Tickets can be purchased at this link.