The Diplomat
The State Research Agency (AEI) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) have joined forces to subsidize research projects in which Spanish and German groups participate in the areas of Mathematics, Psychology and Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate Research-
The AEI and the DFG signed a Memorandum of Understanding on September 15, 2021 in which they expressed their desire to promote German-Spanish cooperation in scientific and technological research. For this purpose, the DFG will finance the German groups and the AEI will finance the Spanish beneficiary entities through the procedure of direct granting of aid for International Collaboration Projects (PCI), scheduled for the second half of 2024.
Spanish principal researchers who apply for these grants must belong to non-profit research entities, such as universities, public research organizations, technology centers and other private non-profit institutions that carry out R&D&I activities in Spain. -They must also have experience in projects funded by the AEI or others, such as ERC Grants, H2020 projects and Horizon Europe.
In this first call, only research projects belonging to three thematic areas will be covered: Mathematics, Psychology and Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate Research. Regarding the submission deadline, the call has already been published and will remain open on the DFG link until October 25, 2023.
The State Research Agency will hold a webinar this morning (at 11:00) to present the first call for joint projects that it has launched in collaboration with the DFG of Germany. Researchers interested in the call can participate in the webinar through the link: