The drama Gagarine, a poetic odyssey through the outskirts of Paris, is the film chosen by the Instituto Francés of Madrid to resume its Summer Cinema season next Thursday 7 September at 21:30.
Directed in 2020 by Fanny Liatard and Jérémy Trouilh, this film tells how Yuri, 16, has spent his whole life in the Gagarin Towers, a housing project on the outskirts of Paris, and dreams of becoming an astronaut. When the Towers are slated for demolition, Yuri joins the resistance. With his friends Diana and Houssam, he embarks on a mission to save his home.
Fanny Liatard and Jerémy Trouilh are a duo of French directors and screenwriters who met while studying at Science Po Bordeaux. After three short films directed together, their first feature film, Gagarine, was selected for the Cannes Film Festival 2020. Reservations to attend the screening can be made at this link.