The frivolous and spicy comedy Berlin, Berlin, which received the Molière Award 2022, is presented since last Thursday at the Teatro Alcázar in Madrid (Calle Alcalá, 20), an unbridled vaudeville that deals with the craziest humour of a historical event such as the division of the world caused by the Berlin Wall.
Gabriel Olivares directs this show with an exceptional cast: Eloy Arenas, Juanan Lumbreras, Ariana Bruguera, David Carrillo, Esperanza Elipe, Guillermo Sanjuán, Javi Martín and Dani Luque.
The young couple Emma and Werner are the protagonists of this story. They live in East Berlin and want to cross over to the West. To do so, they pretend to be a nurse and a plumber. Not by chance, the supposed nurse works in the house of an old woman, while the supposed plumber undermines the tunnel that will lead them to freedom. As long as a few spies hanging around the house allow them to do so… The situation becomes more and more complicated. The old woman’s son works for the Stasi, the espionage service, and has fallen madly in love with the fake nurse. New characters enter the picture and it is no longer clear who are the spies or the spied upon. Tickets can be purchased here.