We continue for the second day with the reading suggestions for the summer which, as every year in the summer season, Casa Árabe offers in a list to enjoy during the holidays with a selection of books by Arab authors and/or on Arab themes.
As for readings that specifically deal with Morocco, some suggestions from the diplomatic cultural centre are Al sur de Tánger. Un viaje a las culturas de Marruecos, by Gonzalo Fernández Parrilla (pictured); Del río Amakran al Manzanares. Memorias de un sobreviviente, by Mohamed Lemrini; El millón de Larache. Cien años después (1923-2023), by Carlos Sánchez Tárrago, and El sargento Moh, by Hassan Al Hamouti Ouass.
Poetry lovers can choose from El talismán de la palabra, by Federico Arbós, an extensive essay on contemporary Arabic poetry; El poeta troyano, conversaciones sobre la poesía de Mahmud Darwish, edited and translated by Luz Gómez, and ¿Por qué has dejar solo al caballo? and Estado de sitio, also by Mahmud Darwish, in a bilingual edition by Luz Gómez.
For scholars and researchers of al-Andalus, Casa Árabe offers Ajbar Machmua. Crónica anónima sobre la conquista de al-Ándalus, el periodo de los valíes y el emirato omeya, translated by Emilio Lafuente Alcántara in a revised and annotated edition by Daniel Valdivieso Ramos; Ál Ándalus, puerta del pensamiento clásico en Europa, by Ramón Sanchis Ferrándiz, in which he analyses the journey of knowledge from the fall of the Greco-Roman world to the resurgence of European universities and the beginning of the Renaissance; Historiografía andalusí. Fuentes árabes para la historia de al-Ándalus, by Professor Juan Martos Quesada, which inaugurates the “al-Ándalus collection” of the Spanish Society of Medieval Studies; Arqueología de Madinat Qurtuba: Reflexiones, novedades, historias, by Desiderio Vaquerizo and Javier Rosón, which brings together the archaeological advances of recent times with regard to Qurtuba-Córdoba, with contributions by 32 researchers, which arose from the series of conferences Arqueología de la Córdoba Islámica (Archaeology of Islamic Cordoba). And to escape, a novel: La estirpe del arrabal II: Creta, el precio del olvido, by Carmen Panadero. If you haven’t read the first one, Casa Árabe recommends you take advantage of this summer and get hold of both.