The Diplomat
Vox’s electoral program for the July 23 general elections includes the intensification of “diplomatic actions for the return of Gibraltar”, the erection of “an impassable wall in Ceuta and Melilla”, demanding Morocco “full recognition and respect for Spanish sovereignty” over the two autonomous cities, the “exclusivity of the State in what refers to international relations” of the EU, “the deportation of illegal immigrants to their countries of origin” and “the abandonment of supranational organizations contrary to the interests of Spain”.
The text, entitled One Hundred Measures for a Living Spain and which does not include a single mention of Ukraine in any of its proposals related to foreign action, calls for “intensity and determination in diplomatic actions for the return of Gibraltar, and the dismantling of the networks of piracy, drug trafficking, smuggling and money laundering that spread from the colony”.
It also calls for the “closure of fundamentalist mosques”, the “expulsion of imams who propagate fundamentalism, contempt for women, or jihad” and the “prohibition of erecting mosques promoted by Wahhabism, Salafism, or any fundamentalist interpretation of Islam”, as well as “rejecting and outlawing the financing by third countries of places of worship on Spanish soil”. Apart from this, Vox proposes that Spain participate “in military missions to combat the jihadist threat according to our interests and capabilities”.
Vox is also committed to “strengthening our borders” and to “erecting an impassable wall in Ceuta and Melilla”, in addition to “giving the police and the Armed Forces all the material and human resources so that they can guard our borders with total efficiency, together with the corresponding legal protection”. The program includes the need to “demand from Morocco a total recognition and respect for the Spanish sovereignty of Ceuta and Melilla”.
Regarding the EU, Vox is committed to “promote in Brussels a new European treaty, along the lines defended by the countries of the Visegrad group in terms of borders, national sovereignty and respect for the values of European culture, and which considerably increases the weight of Spain in decision-making, at least as much as the Treaty of Nice did”.
Together with this proposal, the ultra-right formation includes the “reduction of European political expenditure”, the elimination of “duplicities and agencies that interfere in national sovereignty” and the “exclusivity of the State, as far as international relations are concerned”. The program also proposes the “suppression of all foreign political representation of regions or municipalities” and has an impact on “bilateralism in international relations, abandoning supranational organizations if they are contrary to the interests of Spain“, which includes the “re-evaluation of the Spanish contribution to such organizations”.
It also calls for the “creation of an Agency for the aid to Christian minorities under threat, imitating the Hungarian initiative”, the promotion of “a great National Plan of International Cooperation with the nations of the historical Hispanic community for the organization of investments, aid to Spanish companies, guaranteeing the legal security in the host countries and ordering the migratory flow”. Likewise, the party led by Santiago Abascal commits itself to “suspend the Schengen area until there is a European guarantee that criminals will not use it to flee from justice (as the separatist coup plotters have done) nor will the illegal immigration mafias take advantage of it to introduce people”.
On immigration, Vox defends the deportation of illegal immigrants to their countries of origin, the deportation of immigrants who are legally in Spanish territory but who have reoffended in the commission of minor offenses or have committed a serious crime, the revision of criminal offenses (and toughening of penalties) “to combat the illegal immigration mafias, as well as for those who collaborate with them, whether they are NGOs, companies or individuals, as well as for those who collaborate with them, whether they are NGOs, companies or individuals” and claims, in order to “put an end to the call effect”, that “any immigrant who has entered Spain illegally will be unable, for life, to legalize his situation and therefore to receive any type of help from the administration”.
Along with other measures, such as the “revocation of fast-tracking to acquire Spanish nationality”, the raising of the “requirement in language level, taxation and integration for the acquisition of nationality” and the “possibility of losing the nationality acquired for activities against sovereignty, security or national independence”, Vox proposes “to help developing countries, also victims of human trafficking mafias, which weaken their nations by extracting their human and economic resources to offer them later as slaves in Europe”. In this sense, the far-right party calls for making development aid “conditional on countries accepting the repatriation of illegal immigrants and criminals”. “Immigration will be dealt with according to the needs of the Spanish economy and the immigrant’s capacity for integration,” the program continues. “Quotas of origin will be established, giving priority to nationalities that share language and important ties of friendship and culture with Spain,” it adds.