On Monday 26 June at 12 noon, the Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Política Exterior (INCIPE) is holding a virtual session, entitled Sudan: between hope and conflict, with Alberto Ucelay, former Spanish ambassador to Sudan, in which he will analyse the current situation in the African country. The meeting can be viewed at this link.
Alberto Ucelay was Spain’s ambassador to Sudan from 2018 to 2021, and is currently director general for the Maghreb, Mediterranean and Middle East at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. The event will be presented by Manuel Alabart, Secretary General of INCIPE. Ambassador of Spain, and the debate will be moderated by Vicente Garrido, Director General of INCIPE.
You are invited to ask Alberto Ucelay questions in the YouTube chat, on the Twitter account or by sending an email. It is essential to register via the registration form or by sending an email to aranzazu.alvarez@incipe.org.