The Diplomat
The Second Vice-President and Minister of Labour, Yolanda Díaz, has convened a meeting of Ibero-American women ministers of Labour at Casa de América, albeit with a restrictive criterion.
The meeting will take place on the 19th, under the slogan “Towards an Ibero-American Labour International. Building a green and feminist future for the 21st century”, and it is expected that, together with the candidate of the Sumar coalition for the general elections on 23 June, her colleagues from Argentina, Colombia, Honduras and Mexico, all of them countries where there are currently left-leaning governments, will take part.
According to the programme for the meeting, which will be opened with welcoming remarks by the director of Casa América, Enrique Ojeda, in addition to Yolanda Díaz herself, there will be speeches by Raquel Kismer de Olmos, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Argentina; Gloria Inés Ramírez Ríos, Minister of Labour of Colombia; Sarahí Cerna, Secretary of Labour and Social Security of Honduras; and Luisa María Alcalde Luján, Secretary of Labour and Social Security of Mexico. The event will be moderated by El País journalist Mariam Martínez Bascuñán.
Casa América’s presentation of the meeting states that the changes taking place in the world urgently require policies committed to decent work and social justice. And it adds. “Driven especially by transformative governments, the Ibero-American political agenda is placing priority issues such as gender equality and the defence of diversity in the labour market, adaptation of labour markets to climate change and decent work with rights in the new forms of service provision at the centre.
Finally, she said that the aim of the meeting of the aforementioned ministers of labour was to “define a common agenda of commitment to people, democracy and the planet”. “It is a matter of consolidating the shared project and continuing to move forward together towards fairer and more inclusive societies, protecting labour and social rights in the face of the transitions we are going through”.