Next Thursday 15th June at 28:00 hours, Casa Asia presents a webinar on Environmental conflicts and geopolitics: China and Japan in the negotiations on climate change.
In the geopolitics of the post “cold war”, the environmental issue has been consolidated as a global agenda item. In particular, the UN Convention on Climate Change, signed in 1992, is a relevant forum that aims to articulate national initiatives on this planetary issue. In this lecture, Gavirati Miyashiro, Instituto de Investigaciones “Gino Germani”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, will analyse the shift in the positions of China and Japan in the climate negotiations around the Paris Agreement (2015), as an indicator of the disputes in the (eco)world system.
The event will be welcomed by Rafael Bueno, Director of Politics, Society and Educational Programmes, Casa Asia, and the session will be presented by Blai Guarné and David Saurí, Master’s Degree in Global East Asian Studies (UAB).
Professor Pablo Gavirati Miyashiro is a specialist in Communication and Environment from the National University of La Plata, Argentina, and PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), as well as a researcher at the East Asian Studies Group of the “Gino Germani” Research Institute and lecturer in International Political Problems at the same university. He is also a lecturer at the Higher Institute of Japanese Studies (Nichia Gakuin). His doctoral thesis was entitled Political Ecology of Modernity – Coloniality. The State Discourses of Japan, China and South Korea in Climate Negotiations (2007-2012) and he has recently published the book The Nature of Japanism. Western discourses on land, flora and nation: A reading from Argentina (Editorial Teseo, 2022).
Online activity. Registration is required at this link. 24 hours before the event, those registered will receive the necessary information to access the event.