The Diplomat
The Council of Ministers authorized last Wednesday the modification of the limits to acquire budgetary expenditure commitments by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to make possible the call for study grants and internship scholarships at the Diplomatic School in the period 2022-2023.
The measure will allow the Diplomatic School to grant three types of scholarships: study grants and scholarships for internships in the central services of the Department and in the Spanish representations abroad.
The scholarships, authorized last October by the Council of Ministers, are intended for Spanish nationals who have been admitted to the Inter-University Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Relations taught at the Diplomatic School, or who have passed it, but have limited financial resources. They are also intended for those who have passed the Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Public Service taught at the Center for International Studies (CEI) in Barcelona, of which the Ministry is a member of the Board of Trustees.
In the General State Budget for the year 2023, the budget application Training Scholarships is endowed with an initial appropriation of 482,810 euros (the main item is the 248,040 euros earmarked for 26 scholarships for internships in the central services of the department). The commitments to be made for the financial year 2024 amount to 413,990 euros.
For this reason, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested authorization to modify the limits for acquiring expenditure commitments, charged to future fiscal years, in the budget application Training Scholarships. Finally, the Council of Ministers authorized the operation this Wednesday.