The Diplomat
The Spanish Exporters and Investors Club considers it necessary to create a national intelligence system for internationalisation that will allow Spanish companies to face the uncertainty and new pattern of risks derived from the various events of recent years.
In the latest technical note of the Committee for Reflection on internationalisation, published last Wednesday by the Exporters’ Club, a new concept of “intelligence for internationalisation” is proposed: an intelligence activity specifically aimed at the internationalisation of the economy and the company, and which differs from others such as economic intelligence or competitive intelligence.
As they explain, the concept of intelligence for internationalisation integrates a series of basic needs for the analysis and strategic management of the international activity of companies, in addition to other more everyday issues such as the analysis and identification of markets and solvent clients, information on legislation and technical standards, information on competitors, distributors and possible new suppliers.
The authors of the note point out that in Spain there is a varied group of agents that produce intelligence aimed at the internationalisation of the economy and business. They propose improving coordination, complementarity and synergy between the different bodies and institutions that carry out intelligence activities, with an efficient use of public resources.
Apart from promoting coordination, complementarity and synergies between the different public and private sector administrations and institutions, the Exporters’ Club believes that the functions that this independent entity should assume would be the creation and dissemination of a “culture of intelligence”; the training of civil servants and company managers in this discipline; the design and maintenance of a channel or platform for communication and exchange with companies, among others.