The Museo de América and the Embassy of Ecuador are organising the exhibition Brujerías y Cien años de Soledad, a collection of literary illustrations with works by 22 artists from Ecuador, Spain and Colombia, inspired by the stories of the Ecuadorian writer Pablo Palacio (1906-1947).
The exhibition, which can be visited from tomorrow Thursday until 25 June, is an initiative promoted by the Embassy of Ecuador in collaboration with the Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) and the Museo de América, which highlights the ties of cooperation between institutions and artists on both sides of the Atlantic.
The Brujerías project was born in the summer of 2022, in the second edition of the artistic residencies that the Estampería Quiteña Foundation coordinates in collaboration with the Alfara Studio workshop in Salamanca. This resulted in a compilation book of the works created, which was produced with the collaboration of the Organisation of Ibero-American States (OEI).
This exhibition also features the widely recognised graphic work of the Colombian artist Pedro Villalba Ospina, consisting of a set of engravings illustrating the Latin American literary masterpiece One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez.