Autors: Diego Martínez y Gutmaro Gómez.
The Centro Sefarad-Israel (Calle Mayor, 69) presents this afternoon at 6 p.m. the book Esclavos del Tercer Reich. Los españoles en el campo de Mauthausen (Slaves of the Third Reich. Spaniards in the Mauthausen camp), by professors Diego Martínez, from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, and Gutmaro Gómez, from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Free admission until full capacity is reached
The book takes a journey through the Europe dominated by the Third Reich and the insertion of Spaniards in the macabre network of terror that would end with their deportation to this camp. In the words of the authors, who will present the event, the book tells the story of the losers, of all the losers of wars, civil or world, and, especially, of those who were enslaved by the Third Reich to the point of extenuation and death. Most of them died far from their place of birth, alone, barely a number, victims of a logic and a context of hatred that had begun to be generated some time before. The documentation produced by the authors of this book on the concentration camps has made it possible to produce a complex study that fully introduces the Spanish case into Holocaust studies and specialised international historiography.
Pages: 408
Publisher: CÁTEDRA
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788437644776
RPP: 20,85 euros