The actor and comedian Josema Yuste (former member of the duo Martes y Trece), together with Santiago Urrialde, will premiere the adaptation of the legendary French comedy by Francis Veber, El Aguafiestas (The Spoilsport), on 11 January at the Teatro Reina Victoria in Madrid.
Francis Veber, author, among other classics, of the acclaimed comedy La cena de Los idiotas (Le Dîner de cons), tells in this play how Sergei (Josema Yuste) is a hired killer who stays in a hotel in order to carry out one of his assignments. This mission will be interrupted time and time again by Ramón (Santiago Urrialde), the guest in the next room who intends to commit suicide after being abandoned by his wife.
The play also features performances by Maribel Lara, Vicente Renovell, Kiko Ortega and Arturo Venegas. Tickets can be purchased at this link.