The Diplomat
Azerbaijan’s Ambassador Ramiz Həsənov highlighted his country’s tourism potential during the presentation to European ambassadors accredited in Madrid of its candidacy to rejoin the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization in 2026-2027.
Hasanov expressed confidence that the members of the UNWTO Commission for Europe will support Azerbaijan’s candidacy to the Executive Council during the meeting to be held in Bulgaria in 2023. The ambassador stressed that his country supports the objectives of the UNWTO, “which has a central role in promoting sustainable, responsible, universal and accessible tourism.”
“Azerbaijan is a model of religious and intercultural tolerance that has been preserved over the centuries,” Hasanov said after stressing that “our history, geographical location, rich cultural heritage, fascinating culture, gastronomy and dazzling nature” make Azerbaijan a guaranteed candidate to represent the European region at the UNWTO Council.
Moreover, he added, “Azerbaijan attaches great importance to the development of the tourism sector, which is one of the government’s priorities,” as evidenced by the fact that “the law on tourism came into force on December 27, 2021” with the intention of promoting an “efficient use of tourism and its resources” in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Azerbaijan became a full member of UNWTO in 2001. In 2013, it was elected for the first time to the Executive Council of this body for the period 2014-2017.