Author: Thomas Porcher.
The French economist Thomas Porcher will be at the Instituto Francés in Madrid on Wednesday 16 November, in a meeting on Ecology/economics, an impossible equation? at 7 p.m., on the occasion of the publication in Spanish of his book Tratado de economía herética by Fondo de Cultura Económica. Free event with prior reservation in this link.
In this work, Porcher criticises the authenticity of “economic truths” through a forceful argument and an analysis of the French and international economy, which has generated controversy in the European Union due to its opposition to the current neoliberal political discourse.
Thomas Porcher holds a PhD in Economics and is an associate professor at the Paris School of Business. A member of the collective Les Économistes atterrés, he is also the author of the essay Tratado de economía herética, published in Spanish by Fondo de cultura Económica, and of Les délaissés. Comment transformer, un bloc divisé en forcé majoritaire. In the latter, the author denounces the constant use of “ecology” by the ruling class as a purely decorative element. According to Thomas Porcher, if we are not to exceed a temperature rise of 2°C by 2100, we need to radically change our production and consumption system now, or opt for economic degrowth. His latest essay, Mon dictionnaire d’économie, has just been published in France by Fayard editions.
Pages: 181
PublisherSoft cover
ISBN: 9786071672865
RPP: 8,55 euros