Crai Nou/ Blue Moon is the film directed by Alina Grigore, winner of the Golden Shell at the San Sebastian Film Festival 2021, to kick off the 12th edition of the Romanian Film Festival tomorrow in the Sala Chomón of the FilmoTeca de Catalunya (Plaça Salvador Seguí, 1-9) at 8 pm, in the presence of the film’s director. As in all previous editions, the Romanian Film Festival is organised by the Instituto Cultural Rumano, under the auspices of the Romanian Embassy, and this time with the support of the Romanian Consulate General in Barcelona and in collaboration with FilmoTeca de Catalunya.
The exhibition offers a survey of recent Romanian filmmaking through the screening of six international award-winning films: Babardeală cu bucluc sau porno balamuc/ Un polvo desafortunado o porno loco, dir. Radu Jude; Imaculat/ Immaculate, dir. Monica Stan and George Chiper-Lillemark; Întregalde/ Entre valles, dir. Radu Muntean; Crai Nou/ Blue Moon, dir. Alina Grigore; Câmp de maci/ Poppy Field, dir. Eugen Jebeleanu, and După 40 de zile/ No Rest for the Old Lady, dir. Andrei Gruzsniczki.
After the Romanian Revolution of 1989, far from the communist experience, the country developed a new trend in cinema, realistic in style, with a caustic sense of humour, reflecting both the years under Ceaușescu and their consequences today. It is known as the Romanian New Wave. The six films included in the twelfth edition of the Contemporary Romanian Film Festival deal with political, social and psychological issues confronting society and the individual, such as the hypocrisy of society, altruism, vulnerability, freedom of expression, family violence, drug addiction and the relationship with death. All screenings are in the original version, subtitled in Spanish, and the complete programme can be consulted at this link.