The Korean Embassy has announced the 2nd edition of the contest The Korea I have discovered, which awards videos to promote the charm of the Republic of Korea in Spain through exciting and funny stories related to the country that will have to be contributed by the participants, who have until 31 October to submit their works.
Any citizen over 16 years of age residing in Spain who does not have Korean nationality and who has an interest in Korea can participate in this competition. The winning videos will be broadcast to promote the country, and all those interested in participating must apply to take part in the competition.
The subject matter is wide and variable, such as politics, economy, culture, Korean industry, people, history, art, literature or even now that the country is attractive and fashionable in all its aspects, any aspect that can attract the participant’s attention is also interesting. It is important to bear in mind that all genres are valid (commercials, documentaries, parody, VLOG, films, soap operas, animated cartoons, rap, music videos…) and the duration of the video must be between 2 and 4 minutes. The video will be distributed by the Embassy in Madrid, with the participant ceding the rights to the Korean Legation.
The presentation consists of uploading the video to the Youtube platform with the following hashtags: #TheKoreaI’veDiscovered2022, #EmbassyOfTheKoreanRepublic or #HouseAsia. The video with which you enter must then be attached to the competition application form by email. Applications must be completed in PDF format.
The prizes are diverse, but the main prize is a flight ticket from Madrid to Seoul and accommodation valid for 2 years from the publication of the winners. The Embassy reserves the right to change the prizes for other products of equivalent value if for reasons beyond its control they have to be substituted. The jury will value both the audiovisual quality of the projects presented and their narrative, and will be composed of members of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Casa Asia and experts in the audiovisual field.
For more information, please visit this website or send an email to Applications should be sent to the same email with the title “2022 The Korea I have discovered” and the name of the participant, while the list of those selected will be made public on 21 November on the Embassy’s website.