Author: Raúl Fernández Vítores.
Controlar e intimidar (Controlling and Intimidating) is the title of the latest book by Raúl Fernández Vítores, PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, which will be presented this afternoon at 6 p.m. at the Centro Sefarad-Israel. Free admission until full capacity is reached.
The Holocaust is a historical event that transcends its own temporal limits. It took place in a social context whose forms we can recognise in our societies and the study of its evolution can serve to alert us to the risk we run today of new final solutions. Controlling and Intimidating: The Postmodern Risk delves into the analysis of the most developed capitalist societies and, from the explanatory schemes of political economy and geometry, attempts a materialistic approach to place, offering a strict description and a channel for understanding what is everyday. What is going on around us? Without any apparent change, one has the feeling that life has become worse. The author of the work, Raúl Fernández Vítores, will present his book, accompanied by the book’s prologue writer, Alberto Mira Almodóvar.
Pagess: 148
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788412533453
RPP: 14,15 euros